
SEMICON Taiwan 2022

Du 14/09/2022 au 16/09/2022
SEMICON Taiwan 2022

Navigating Key Technologies of Next Generation Semiconductors 

Semicon Taiwan  is the most important annual event for the micro- and nano-electronics industry in Taiwan and deals with technologies that are used in the development and manufacture of semiconductors, solar cells and other micro and nano electronics product applications.

Special attention is paid to the needs of the applications market, which constantly increases and requires the development of special materials, packaging and test technology as well as innovations in terms of structures and processes.

The Semicon Taiwan provides an excellent opportunity to reach renowned buyers and the main producers and businesses along the semiconductor value chain and to expand into the Taiwanese market. It brings together the participating companies with decision makers and professionals from the industry and deals with the current challenges and trends.


Joint Silicon Europe booth at SEMICON Taiwan

Of course, Europe's semiconductor industry cannot be missing there. Hence, Silicon Saxony has been organising a joint booth for Silicon Europe since 2017.

Be part of this year’s booth from September 14 – 16, 2022!

Participation in the Silicon Europe joint booth offers you an all-round trade fair service. Silicon Saxony is taking over the complete stand organisation and support as well as the design/creation of your exhibitor terminal and the creation of an exhibitor directory for the stand.

Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Du 14/09/2022 au 16/09/2022


TaiNEX 1, Taipei - Taïwan

Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Contactez :

Kate Margetts
Kate Margetts
Directrice Business development
06 37 41 65 65
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