
Photonics Online Meetings - Prepare your event

Le 28/04/2021
Photonics Online Meetings - Prepare your event

Join our pre-event advanced presentation webinar Photonics Online meetings#3


Have you already attended a virtual business event ? Or even better, you have already attended one of our Photonics Online Meetings in 2020 but still have questions?

Join our follow-up webinar and get your logo for free!


In 30', discover our participation offer, the technical features to make the most of the platform and your agenda and of course the new features !

1/ Introduction by Photonics France :

- General presentation of Photonics Online Meetings

- Presentation of the offer, fees, sponsoring and the new ambassador status

2/ Demonstration of the technical features by Vimeet

3/ Testimonials from Guillaume Szymczak, Amplitude Laser

4/ Questions / Answers / Exchanges



Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Le 28/04/2021 de 10h00 à 10h45

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