
Deep dive workshops 19/05 - Best practices to boost your business

Le 19/05/2021
Deep dive workshops 19/05 - Best practices to boost your business

In the run-up to this year’s hybrid format of the Minalogic Business Meetings and the online edition of Computex, take the opportunity to establish or improve your company’s identity online.

Join Sharon Crost, expert in digital marketing and customer intelligence, for personalized sessions to help you put in place your digital marketing strategy in order to get your important messages across and attract clients!


Why this session?

Adapt to get ahead!  Over a year after the sanitary crisis began impacting our business lives, we still need our businesses to grow and thrive either online or in a hybrid online and in-person mode.

Take a deep dive into best practices to distinguish yourself, convince, convert and gain competitive advantage online!

Learn, discuss and practice tactics to thrive online.  Gain new skills that can help you win now and give you an online offer that continues to drive business in the future.


Session features

These 1.5-hour deep dives are limited in attendee numbers to focus on your specific issues and questions.

You’ll have a chance to audit your current offer, pitch and messaging, looking clearly into the mirror.

You’ll be able to identify the “low-hanging fruit”, the items with quick wins in the short run and high ROI over time.

You will have an immediate action plan to prepare for online or hybrid business meetings – whether Minalogic business meetings or any other upcoming events.

You will leave with more confidence that you can effectively execute business online.


Timing and content

Specific discussion of opportunities for your business.

Feedback on your online pitch, presence and call to action.

Review of online profiles with recommended changes.

Specific questions and advice.


Choose only ONE workshop option

Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Le 19/05/2021 de 17h00 à 18h30


30€ HT

Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Contactez :

Kate Margetts
Kate Margetts
Directrice Business development
06 37 41 65 65
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