
Customised deep dives: online BEST PRACTICES to boost your business

Le 03/11/2020
Customised deep dives: online BEST PRACTICES to boost your business

Learn to distinguish yourself, convince, convert and gain competitive advantage in online business engagement.

Your trade shows and business engagements are now taking place online due to the Covid pandemic.

You can leverage best practices to distinguish yourself, convince, convert and gain competitive advantage in this format!


Come to the online tableprepared and confident to be successful!


Minalogic and Sharon Crost, educator with Grenoble Ecole de Management and Silicon Valley consultant and innovator, offer you two sessions to gain new skills that can help you win now and give you competitive advantage for the future.



October 21st - 10h-12h

  • New opportunities with online business operations
  • Building your online pitch and brand
  • Online best practices, voice, video, etc.
  • Convince and convert in the online conversation
  • Call to action
  • Keeping the offer vibrant online



The best practices webinar is prerequisite

Registration for this webinar

November 3rd - 14h-16h OR November 4th - 10h-12h

(Sessions limited to 10 companies)

  • Specific discussion of opportunities for your business
  • Feedback on your online pitch, presence and call to action
  • Review of online profiles with recommended changes
  • Specific questions and advice

Select only one of these 2 options

Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Le 03/11/2020 de 14h00 à 16h00



Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Contactez :

Kate Margetts
Kate Margetts
Directrice Business development
06 37 41 65 65
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