Who we are

Founded in 2005, Minalogic is the digital technology cluster for France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
With offices in Grenoble, Lyon, Saint-Etienne, and Valence, Minalogic drives an ecosystem of 450 members, including over 380 innovative companies from across the region, which covers the entire digital technology value chain. Minalogic’s members also include universities, research organizations, local government, banks and investors to sustain a unique network dedicated to innovation in digital technologies.
Minalogic helps its members and partners to make business connections through targeted, qualified introductions and creates opportunities to innovate and grow at national, European, and international levels.
Minalogic, a network
to boost your business
B2B meetings
since 2012
certified R&D projects since 2005
billion in government funding
billions of total R&D investment
Minalogic offers services
based on two main axes:
💡 Innovation
- Minalogic provides project development assistance for both individual and multi-partner projects in the context of regional, national, or European funding programs.
🤝 Business
- Open innovation events like the annual “Minalogic Business Meetings” convention, provide opportunities for technology providers and buyers (from the public and private sectors) to meet and connect.
- The cluster also runs a large set of programs to support international business development.
... and addresses 6 key needs: