
Three Minalogic projects selected for the Euripides and French ISI programs

Three Minalogic projects selected for the Euripides and French ISI programs

Euripides Program

- SPrinTronics, a joint project with France's Elopsys high-tech cluster and the European ceramics cluster, aims to develop industrial-scale 3D printing systems using Ceradrop's
breakthrough technology for inkjet printers. This contactless technology can be used to fabricate objects by depositing successive layers of material. It offers greater flexibility, performance, and efficiency than traditional methods.

Project partners: Ceradrop (France), SPCTS (France), XLIM (France), USC (Spain), EMSE (France), Nanogap (Spain), Disasolar (France), Novapack (France), MAF (Germany), Eurofarad (France), CMAC (Belgium), Gemalto (France), and Heraeus (Germany)

- The SATPACK project will design and test for use in space environments next-generation hermetically-sealed integrated circuits and the associated packaging module for satellite applications.

Project partners: Novapack (project leader), Thalès Alenia Space (France), ICMCB-CNRS (France), Schott Electronic Packaging (Germany), VIA electronic (Germany), and Fraunhofer (Germany)

French Strategic Industrial Innovation (ISI) Program

- PAUD, a project spearheaded by the Trimatec eco-technology competitive cluster, aims to develop technology bricks for next-generation molecular gas contamination control systems.

Project partners: Adixen Vacuum Products (project leader), Entegris Cleaning Process, Sairem, Keepcore, Alliance Concept, Tera, GREPHE, and DPHE


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