
Accelerating growth through innovation

As digital technologies continue to encounter new challenges, we are doubling down on our collaborative strategy, the cornerstone of which was laid by our founders. Our team of experts in digital technologies help drive innovation in France, Europe, and around the world. Together, they guide our members along their journey, from concept and research phases all the way through production, sale, and utilization.

Based in the French Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, renowned for its specialized industries, Minalogic has helped bring many projects to fruition and numerous products and services to market. We are now investing in a number of specific fields that offer exceptional potential for our members.

Creating connections

Minalogic is home to an ecosystem of specialized companies and organizations, making us perfectly placed to connect research institutions with commercial companies. We take a personalized approach to form upstream-downstream collaborations by identifying opportunities for members to collaborate, thus creating powerful, win-win partnerships that further everyone’s goals of growth and innovation.

We invest in a range of strategic industries to meet and even anticipate the needs of our ecosystem. These areas include Cybersecurity, Industries of the Future, Cultural and Creative Industries, Artificial Intelligence, Micro and Nanoelectronics, Commercial Spaceflight, Optics & Photonics, Quantum Computing, Robotics, and more — all areas involving digital technologies with strong potential for growth through innovation and transformation.

Open innovation

Our open innovation philosophy, built on our great ability to bring together the right parties to form mutually beneficial partnerships, can help accelerate your company’s growth in regional, national, and international markets. From startups to small businesses and major corporations, our members come to us seeking to innovate by working with peers and local tech research labs. The diversity of our membership helps drive development, performance, and competitiveness in our ecosystem as a whole.

Going global

Minalogic recognized the importance of European markets early on and continues to expand its international presence each year. We offer our community effective services to help members break into European markets. We also maintain ties, on behalf of our members, with European funding programs for innovation. Our team of renowned experts also helps both academic and industry members choose the right markets, find new partners, and gain visibility.

6 things you should know about Minalogic
We became an official, certified competitiveness cluster in 2005.
6 things you should know about Minalogic
We have over 25 experts renowned throughout the region and Europe to help your company innovate and grow.
6 things you should know about Minalogic
We bring together research institutions and commercial companies to spark growth.
6 things you should know about Minalogic
We offer the effective services you need.
6 things you should know about Minalogic
Our members are diverse and complementary.
6 things you should know about Minalogic
Our community is an active, vibrant, and tight-knit.
Collaborative solutions to social transitions

Minalogic has seized the opportunity offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution to position itself as an accelerator of a sustainable transition to digital technologies. Our mission is to provide concrete, collaborative solutions to social transformations that require innovation. By facilitating partnerships, we help members, community partners, and other clusters take the leap towards digital technologies of the future.

Want to know more? Contact:

Erasmia Dupenloup
Erasmia Dupenloup
+33 (0)6 45 59 10 57
Bienvenue chez Minalogic
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