
The Silicon Europe Alliance plays an integral part in the European Chips Act

The Silicon Europe Alliance plays an integral part in the European Chips Act

Erasmia Dupenloup was invited to speak as President of the Silicon Europe Alliance at the European Cluster Conference. The event, held on May 7 and 8 in Brussels, was organized by the European Commission’s DG GROW and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP). It gathered nearly 700 participants, including cluster representatives, political decision-makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and a total of 56 speakers.

Clusters, essential contributors to EU industrial priorities

Erasmia Dupenloup took part in the “Metaclusters and shared values through clusters” round table, demonstrating how metaclusters build and reshape European value chains, and how clusters create shared value inside and outside their ecosystems. 

Erasmia Dupenloup highlighted the achievements of the Silicon Europe Alliance, a European-funded metacluster founded in 2015. Today, the Silicon Europe Alliance brings together 12 European clusters around a common ambition: to strengthen the European digital and microelectronics industry, by promoting cross-fertilization between the 2,000 members of their ecosystems of excellence. Through the 11 countries it represents, the Alliance is a real compendium of expertise across the entire microelectronics value chain. 

During the round-table discussion, the Silicon Europe Alliance was highlighted as “one of Europe’s best examples of metaclusters”, particularly due to its concrete actions put in place for its members and its contributions made under the Chips Act*.

Other large projects are underway or in preparation:
  • Under the Chips Act*, a network of national semiconductor competence centers is to be set up within the European Union, through co-financing between the Semiconductor Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) and the member states. These competence centers will support the adoption of semiconductor technologies, by implementing Europe-wide pilot lines and training initiatives. The aim is to increase chip production volumes in Europe.
    Minalogic is currently working on a project for a French Microelectronics Competence Center, specialized in FD-SOI technologies and supported by the ecosystem’s major players STMicroelectronics, Soitec and, of course, CEA-Leti, which is leading a pilot line project for semiconductor technology, selected by Chips JU last April.
    The existing cooperation between Silicon Europe’s partners will be a real asset in enabling SMEs from all over Europe to access various competence centers’ resources. It will be a crucial advantage in view of the ambitious goal of increasing Europe's share of world semiconductor production from 10 to 20%. 
  • Beyond our European collaborations, North American ecosystems are contacting us to identify synergies and establish actions beyond European borders. 

These initiatives demonstrate that the long-standing investment from all of Silicon Europe Alliance’s partners has paved the way for ambitious and concrete actions.

*What is the European Chips Act, or European Semiconductor Regulation?

The Chips Act will strengthen Europe's competitiveness and resilience in semiconductor applications and technologies, and contribute to achieving digital and ecological transitions, by accentuating Europe's technological lead in this field. 

Thanks to the Chips Act, the EU will remedy its semiconductor shortages and strengthen Europe's technological lead. It will mobilize over €43 billion in public and private investment, and define measures to prepare for, respond rapidly to and anticipate future supply chain disruptions, in collaboration with member states and our international partners.

Find out more

Want to know more? Contact:

Laure Quintin
Laure Quintin
Head of European Projects
+33 (0)6 04 91 17 99
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