Increasing Your Visibility

Minalogic’s team helps increase your company’s visibility in France and around the world.


Our communications department publishes news about your business in a variety of formats to get your information in front of as many eyes as possible and maximize your exposure. This service is available only to members.

What you get:

👉 A video overview of your products and services, and a listing in the Minalogic directory

👉 Inclusion of your company’s news in Minalogic’s digital publications

👉 Use of the Minalogic logo, provided in the Ambassadors Kit

We help you:

✅ List your business in the Minalogic member directory

✅ Advertise your business to the company using a video presentation

✅ Promote your news in our publications about members

✅ Advertise your membership with Minalogic, a dynamic, innovative ecosystem, using the Ambassadors Kit

subscribers to the monthly newsletter of Minalogic
followers on LinkedIn
followers on Twitter
members on WAM, our member's community platform
Bienvenue chez Minalogic
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