Protect Hunt
PROTECT HUNT: SMART ELECTRONICS The Protect Hunt unit is the worldâs only electronic safety solution for hunting. It was designed to operate in all weather and environmental conditions. The technology inside the unit can alert hunters to dangerous behavior in just fractions of a second. The unit is ultra-lightweight and robust enough for use in all outdoor conditions. It is delivered as a unit that can be attached to or integrated into the hunting rifleâs shoulder stock. It alerts hunters by emitting vibrations in the stock and generating a visible alert. All hunters in a group are equipped, with one unit on each rifle. Once the hunters reach the hunting area, they switch the unit on and save two landmarks. The area between the landmarks is the authorized shooting area (a 30-degree angle).L'histoire du produit
The idea for Protect Hunt came from an incident involving brand founder Pierre Alleysson. Alleysson, a hunting enthusiast, narrowly escaped a hunting accident himself. He was almost hit by a potentially-fatal stray bullet. Alleysson, an entrepreneur at heart, set out to find a solution. His goal was to develop a go-to product that would make hunting safer for everyone (hunt organizers, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts). Project Hunt is that product. The Protect Hunt P10 was released in December 2017 following two years of intensive testing in the lab, at a shooting range, and in different hunting areas completed in partnership with CEA Tech in Grenoble. The product is now available on the market and is in use by hunters in France. Testing in other European countries began in March 2018. The product is used for the Presidential Hunts at Chambord and the hunt at Rambouillet, managed by Franceâs National Hunting and Wildlife Authority. Additional development work to improve the system is underway, with the goal of making hunting even safer through new technology. In particular, a new unit, called 30 ° assist, was developed for number-one French firearm manufacturer Verney-Carron. The unit, integrated into the stock, will be available on the market in late 2018. (Photo)
600Kâ"¬ including 200Kâ"¬ no-interest loan through Bpifrance
Emplois créés
Brevets déposés
Délai de mise sur le marché
3 years
Project financed by the IRT Nanoelec Easytech program, administered by Minalogic
Financeurs publics
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Regional Council, Isere General Council
En collaboration avec
Grenoble INP