Optimized cloud-based FPGA synthesis
The Synaas (Synthesis-as-a-Service) project was set up to optimize development on FPGAs by enabling a specific processing hardware allocation for each project (for the synthesis and routing steps) and by centralizing detailed statistics for each VHDL core (use of logic resources, critical pathway values, etc.).L'histoire du produit
This was an in-house R&D project. The company has not yet made a decision to release the product on the market.
Emplois créés
Délai de mise sur le marché
18 months
Project financed by the IRT Nanoelec Easytech program, administered by Minalogic
Financeurs publics
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Regional Council, Isere General Council
En collaboration avec
Grenoble INP