Arnano's Nanoforme technology makes it possible to store information for very long periods of time (around a thousand years). The concept is similar to microfilm. However, the material, sapphire, is very different. A tiny reproduction of the document to be saved is engraved on a sapphire plate. The engraving is protected by an additional sapphire plate, for a tamper-proof, highly stable storage medium. The solution is the fruit of numerous innovations: in image processing for the reproduction of documents on sapphire; in the molecular bonding technique to protect the engravings; and in the scanning method, which involves taking a photograph of the document and processing the resulting image. The solution is designed for high-risk industries (nuclear power and chemicals) and conservation (museums and monuments). An additional consumer application for the technology is currently being tested under the crowdfunded Fahrenheit2451 project.L'histoire du produit
This product was developed and subsequent improvements were made under two projects (Nanoforme and Fahrenheit2451) certified by Minalogic and financed by the French Single Interministerial Fund. The technology bricks developed for this product have also found a niche on the luxury home goods market and are being tested for use in new applications in luxury timepieces and MEMS.
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Délai de mise sur le marché
3 years