ChromPix is a portable, modular miniaturized multi-gas analysis system that performs ongoing in situ analyses in real time. The system's main technological innovation is based on full integration on silicon (leveraging microelectronics technologies), key gas-phase chromatography capabilities and, specifically, a detection module built on NEMS nanoresonators. The entire measurement chain (injection, separation, and detection) is integrated into a miniaturized analysis (analytics) module designed for plug-and-play use. The ChromPix multi-module rack system can hold up to four plug-and-play modules for up to four parallel analyses from a single sample. The product is designed for industrial (gas quality measurements, industrial process control) and environmental applications. The ChromPix system will soon (H2 2016) be equipped with a preconcentration system that will bring detection capabilities to the parts per billion, a degree of sensitivity that is suitable for air quality testing and pollution measurement use.L'histoire du produit
The system was developed based on the GCAP system designed and developed under the MIGAS2 project, financed in part through the French Single Interministerial Fund (FUI) and certified by Minalogic.
more than 2 million euros
Emplois créés
2 jobs during the project / 2 jobs since the project ended
Brevets déposés
2 patents filed by APIX Analytics
La société : APIX Analytics
APIX Analytics (SA), a startup incorporated in June 2014, is the commercial emanation of 8 years of collaborative research between CEA (France) and California Institute of Technology (Caltech, USA). APIX is focused on the development of highly miniaturized multigas analyzers systems based on integration on silicon of traditional analytical chains: sampling, injection of gases, separation of complex gas mixtures to enhance specificity and then detection, identification and quantification of each mixture compound.
Year founded