An ink-jet printing controller module
Development of a new-generation machine with a new printer head offering modular flexibility (in terms of printer head technology and changes due to new or evolving customer or market needs).L'histoire du produit
Product background and history: - Soon-to-be-obsolete consumable - Ageing product line - Changing customer needs * More information to print * Printing on plastic * 2D data matrix barcodes - Opportunity created by robotization Implementation: - Equipment selection - Feasibility of high-speed real-time communication networks - Review of common printing formats - Development of embedded software modules: * HMI * Three-axis motorization * Printing module * Web interface * RFID interface - Linux development knowledge transfer Project results: - Lower costs - High-end product positioning
Project financed by the IRT Nanoelec Easytech program, administered by Minalogic
Financeurs publics
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Regional Council
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