
Online BtoB networking for digital-technology stakeholders

Online BtoB networking for digital-technology stakeholders


There were no tables and chairs to set up for this year’s Minalogic Business Meetings. A good internet connection is all the participants needed to take full advantage of a precision-timed day of BtoB networking meetings. With Covid-19 restrictions still in force in France, Minalogic turned to Vimeet to execute a 100% digital pivot for its legendary international BtoB networking event in record time.


“For Minalogic, cancelling the event was unthinkable. We didn’t want the Covid-19 crisis to keep us from bringing our ecosystem this full day of BtoB networking meetings and talks. Now more than ever, buyers and sellers of technological solutions from around the world need business opportunities. Bringing Minalogic’s flagship event online was an exciting challenge for the digital-technology cluster. The post-event satisfaction survey results were even better than usual, evidence of how successful our team was at totally reinventing the format in just a few weeks,” said Minalogic CEO Eric Michallet.



All participant contact points were transformed:



Hear what the participants have to say about the event:


Salim Abdous, Visioshape - Technology provider

“Minalogic Business Meetings was a valuable opportunity for Visioshape. Our schedule was full, with fourteen meetings, all very worthwhile. We also got a chance to talk to people from companies of all sizes. We came away with contacts that could very well turn into partners.

We also presented our business to buyers from corporations in the aeronautics, defense, and agri-food industries. As a small company, it probably would have been difficult for us to get our foot in the door with these companies without Minalogic. 

Over the past several days we have had follow-up meetings to five of the fourteen meetings we completed at MBM. Two of them are turning out to be leads on long-term projects with large companies.

We would like to thank Minalogic for the seamless organization of this event.”




Vincent Hector, Teledyne e2v - Technology buyer

“It was really very good. Minalogic handled all aspects of the organization, including following up with participants on meeting requests, for example. That in particular saved me a lot of time turning down requests from companies I did not want to meet. The BtoB networking meetings were very efficient, probably more so than at a live event. Face-to-face meetings still have their place. If the same type of organization could be used for further face-to-face meetings, it could be a good compromise and an innovative one at that.”


Véronique Péquignat, Invest in Grenoble - Partner

“The event was well-organized, and it was great that Minalogic was able to maintain it despite the Covid-19 crisis. The team masterfully orchestrated all of the details of this online event. The overall impression was one of a high-level ‘native’ digital event and not just a digital backup plan for an event that would otherwise have been cancelled.”



Satoshi Miyata, TOA - Technology buyer

“It was amazing to be able to reach out to advanced tech startups right from my own home!”



Patrick Consorti, Schoolab San Francisco - Partner

“It was a great idea, and it made it easier for international participants to attend.”



Jean-Christophe Reybier, INESO Company - Technology provider

“Well done to the entire team for organizing this event. As we come out of the Covid-19 lockdown, the BtoB meetings were just what we needed to get our business back on track!”

Didier Champault, Schneider Electric - Technology buyer

“The new online format is a great way to very rapidly assess whether or not there is potential to work together and, if so, schedule a follow-up meeting in person.”



An exciting program of talks on design in all shapes and sizes!

The day also included a series of live and prerecorded presentations and panel discussions by speakers from France and the US. A total of twelve sessions were broadcast throughout the day so that the participants could alternate between their BtoB networking meetings and the talks.


All of the talks are on our YouTube channel:



  • Design and user-centric innovation in a nutshell - Minalogic
  • How can Sustainable Design Match with the Tech Industry? - Entreautre
  • Smart Engineering & Smart Manufacturing Design (replay non disponible) - HPE
  • Rebuilding the Future: Design Fiction. Real Invention - Schoolab San Francisco
  • UX methods for innovation with digital user communities – Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Designing a better response to changing markets and customer needs, quickly and easily - Venture Designers
  • Is design thinking the next normal? - Groupe Zebra / UC Berkeley Haas School of Business / Schoolab San Francisco 
  • How does 3D change creative workflows in industry ? - Adobe
  • Why does a world-class technology research center need collaborative innovation skills? The story of Y.SPOT - CEA
  • Good Design is good business" Thomas J. Watson, IBM President in 1973 – IBM iX Digital Strategy
  • Unfolding the Technic - Salomon
  • Design as a territorial driving force[CJ8]  - Cité du design




This first-ever 100% online edition of Minalogic Business Meetings was a success!


Live events still offer the advantage of those unexpected encounters over coffee or drinks that very often have the power to spark business opportunities.


The support of our partners in France and around the world is vital to this event in ordinary circumstances. This year, our partners were especially crucial to making this very special online edition of Minalogic Business Meetings such a success.  



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