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RED MINT NETWORK : Loud ML 1.4 and 1-click ML are here!

Loud ML 1.4 is here! We love it and we think you will too.

As we mentioned last time, Loud ML 1.4 is compatible with additional data sources — Warp 10, MongoDB and Amazon Elasticsearch Service. It also contains predictive maintenance so you’re one step ahead of a potential emergency. For full details, view our release notes.

As always, our Community plan is completely free to use. You can download Loud ML 1.4 Community now, or view our paid plans if you need extras.


Tutorial: 1-click machine learning with the TICK stack

On Monday 10 September, Loud ML will be available as a fully integrated tool within Chronograf from InfluxData. Machine learning is literally now one click away for Chronograf TICK stack users. The graphic interface means no more typos or looking up long file names, and absolutely no commands to perform any ML tasks, like retraining. Just point and click on the 1-click ML menu and machine learning is ready to go.


If you’re not convinced, watch our tutorial to see how easy it is to use, then download the Docker image on Monday from our Docker repository and be among the first to use it.


Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for more videos, news and updates about all our releases.



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