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ProCellics™ Software New Release

Grenoble, FRANCE, January 21, 2019 – ProCellics™ Software is available with ProCellics™ GMP Bioprocess In-Line Analyzer.


ProCellics™ Software has been specifically developed to address bioprocess monitoring needs.
It is easy to use, whatever the user’s level of expertise in Raman spectroscopy (from expert to personnel focused on process without knowledge of Raman spectroscopy), and facilitates ProCellics™ Raman PAT tool implementation in GMP manufacturing environments.


ProCellics™ Software 2.0 mainly supports the Multi-Channel Unit option of ProCellics™ which enables to operate up to 4 probes from a single analyzer.
This new software release is able to manage the 4 channels in parallel and enables the user to visualize the 4 channels simultaneously. A Timetable allows the user to overview and manage the schedule of several batch acquisitions.


ProCellics™ combined with ProCellics™ Software 2.0 allows to build a first model in a few weeks only and to significantly reduce the cost per probe.




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