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ALPAO is in the ranking of the 500 French growth champions

On February 8, 2019, the business newspaper Les Echos announced the ranking of the 500 French growth champions. Carried out in collaboration with Statista, this survey based on more than 3 million French companies lists the companies whose turnover grew the most between 2014 and 2017. ALPAO is proud to be part of this ranking and to position itself on the podium of Isere companies, behind EPJ and Envisol, thanks to an increase in its turnover of +107% over this period.


Since its creation in 2008, the company has undergone a significant evolution with concrete positive impacts at several levels: human resources (recruitments and team building), sales (signing of major contracts and partnerships), production (new premises and equipments). Its dynamism and sustained growth have enabled it to reach this high level and position itself as a world leader in the specific and technical field of adaptive optics and wavefront control.


"We are pleased to be part of the 500 French growth champions list. If we are where we are today, it is thanks to the mobilization of our teams, the support of our partners and the trust of our customers. Collective effort is a key factor in the success of an innovative company such as ALPAO." said Vincent TEMPELAERE, CEO of ALPAO.

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