List of members

437 results
CH Studio
Since 2011, CH Studio has been implementing cutting-edge technologies to des...
Chat3D is a generative AI startup offering a solution for creating 3D object...
CIC Lyonnaise de Banque
A leading bank both in France and around the world, the CIC group promotes a...
CIMBA Digital is the editor of TEAMOTY, the ultimate tool for construction p...
The International Center for Resources and Innovation for Sustainable Develo...
Cleanpart France
High precision maintenance and cleaning for high-end industries (microelectr...
CLP – Club Laser et Procédés
The Club Laser & Procédés (CLP) is a non-profit organization that brings tog...
Cluster Lumière
The Cluster Lumière numbers more than 150 companies and organisations: Labor...
Cognidis provides an analytics and prediction platform, expert in mobility,...
Communauté de communes Le Grésivaudan
The Grésivaudan Valley Intermunicipal Council : 47 municipalities 97,560 inh...
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