List of members

437 results
Based in Grenoble, France and founded in 2014, Aryballe combines biochemistr...
Astrée Software
MES software editor, Astrée Software has a different vision of IT projects:...
Analog & Radio Frequency Circuit Design for Sensors, Imaging and Telecom...
Atim Radiocommunications
ATIM is a radio expert and IoT / M2M pioneer based and founded in 1996 in Vi...
Atraltech, leader in professional anti-intrusion and anti-fire security solu...
Auxo Dynamics
Auxo is a data management platform intended to help leaders to steer their s...
AVA is a software publisher for manufacturer. Its mission is to assist opera...
Avant-Goût Studios
Creative Technologist, Avant-Goût Studios design interactive and innovative...
Pioneer in telepresence, Awabot is a French company whose mission is to depl...
AxLR, SATT Occitanie Méditerranée
SATT AxLR promotes the expertise and results of academic laboratories in the...
BAIO-DX is a startup that develops equipment and artificial intelligence alg...
BeFC produces biofuel cells as a sustainable energy solution dedicated to lo...
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