List of members

431 results
INSA Lyon – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
Located on the premises of the Science and Technological Park of la Doua in...
Insidix helps you in your product development. By means of imaging technolog...
Institut Lyfe
The Centre for Food and Hospitality research of the Institut Paul Bocuse is...
Invest in Lyon – Aderly
Invest in Lyon support the economic development of its area of responsibilit...
IOGS – Institut d’Optique Graduate School
Founded in 1920, Institut d’Optique Graduate School is a Grande École of Eng...
IoTizeTM is a startup specialized in IoT connectivity solutions for industri...
IREIS – Institut de recherches en ingénierie des surfaces
IREIS – Institut de Recherches en Ingénierie des Surfaces- constitutes the R...
IRIDESCENCE advises, supports and follows up integration of technical projec...
Iroc Technologies
For the semiconductor businesses facing Soft Error issues, iRoC Technologies...
Isitec International
Isitec International helps large companies, administrations and postal and l...
Since 2016, Isymap (Instrumentation SYstems for MAPping) has been providing...
I-TEN ultimate goal is to solve critical market bottlenecks for a variety of...
Since 2006, IVèS has been dedicated to the development, integration, and imp...
Jay Radio Remote Controls provide secure radio communications for people and...
Jessica France
Founded by the CEA and OSEO Innovation and funded by the Ministry of Industr...
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