CardiaMetrics is a company established in December 2023, based in Grenoble.
CardiaMetrics relies on 6 years of development of an implantable medical device for assessing cardiac function.
Its goal is to market a solution that enables effective home monitoring for patients with serious illnesses such as cancer or heart failure, requiring long-term follow-up.
The major challenge is to provide a solution that
(1) ensures adherence without depending on patient actions to minimize the mental burden associated with the illness, and
(2) provides medical teams with reliable, actionable, and ideally predictive data for optimal and personalized patient care.
In terms of key milestones for the next three years, CardiaMetrics aims to deploy its solution in North America and Europe, which will involve a clinical study in 2025-2026 and obtaining FDA approval and CE certification in 2027.
AI, IoT, Microelectronics, Software
34 chemin des Villauds
Founder & CEO