Ablatom, an integrator of elemental analysis solutions, is an innovative company with expertise in LIBS technology. This laser-based chemical analysis technique stands out from other conventional techniques thanks to its singular characteristics, such as its sensitivity, speed and adaptability to the sample and its environment, giving it a unique capability for chemical characterization of material surfaces, and for on-line chemical control in real time.
From the laboratory to industry, our tailor-made analytical solutions enable our customers to increase their productivity and competitiveness, while broadening their field of exploration and their chemical analysis capabilities.
Our multi-disciplinary team of experts is involved across the entire customer needs chain: From technical feasibility studies, through chemical analysis and imaging services, to the development and design of LIBS instruments and software
AI, Photonics, Software
Cleantech, Defense, Energy & Building, Healthcare, Industry 4.0, Mobility & Transport, Textile
Bâtiment Kastler
10, Rue Ada Byron