Legal notices

1. About the website

Pursuant to Article 6 of France’s Trust in the Digital Economy Act 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, users of the website must be provided with the identities of the various parties involved in the production and maintenance of the website as follows:

Minalogic Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - a nonprofit organization established under French law (Association loi 1901)

N° Siret : 485 361 133 00062 - Activity code (APE) : 9499 Z
c/o CEA Grenoble - 29, rue Félix Esclangon – 38000 Grenoble - France
Email : / Tel : +33 (0)4 38 78 19 47

Technical services and hosting :
20 avenue des Chevaliers-Tireurs - 73000 Chambéry

Person responsible for the website:
Erasmia Dupenloup, General manager

2. Terms of Use of the website and services offered on the website

By using the website the User accepts the Terms of Use below in their entirety. The Terms of Use may be changed or added to at any time. Users of the website are therefore asked to check back regularly for updates.
In normal conditions the website can be accessed by users at all times. However, the website may be taken offline for maintenance at the discretion of Every effort will be made to inform users of maintenance dates and times beforehand.
The website is updated by our personnel on a regular basis. Likewise, the legal information section of the website is subject to change at any time. Users are, however, required to use the site in accordance with this legal information and, therefore, are asked to check back as often as possible for updates.

Photo credits: Minalogic photo library / Adobe stock / Fotolia / Shutterstock / Canva

3. Description of the services provided on the website

The purpose of the website is to provide information concerning all of the company's activities: activities, business lines, and product lines offered under the Minalogic brand.

This is not an ecommerce website. Therefore, the information provided on the website cannot be construed as a commercial offer and/or interpreted as sales prospecting, assimilated to any guarantee, regardless of scope or purpose, and, in particular, to guarantees concerning the marketability of a product, a product’s capacity to respond to a specific need, or a product’s legal and/or regulatory compliance.

Minalogic makes every effort to provide information that is as accurate as possible on the website However, Minalogic cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, or information that out of date, whether caused by Minalogic or by the third-party partners that provide Minalogic with this information.
All of the information on the website is provided for information only and is subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the website is not exhaustive. This information may have changed since it was put online. This information is not contractually binding.

4. Intellectual property and copyright

Minalogic holds the intellectual property rights or rights of use to all of the elements on the website. This includes, in particular, texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, audio files, and software.
It is prohibited to reproduce, present, make changes to, publish, or adapt all or part of any of the elements that make up the website, regardless of the means or process used, without prior written permission from Minalogic.
Unauthorized use of the website or of any of the elements it contains will be considered an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

5. Limitations of liability

Minalogic cannot be held liable for damage, be it direct or indirect, caused to the user's equipment when using the website, resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated in section 4, or from bugs or incompatibilities.
Minalogic also cannot be held liable for indirect damages (business or opportunity losses, for example) resulting from the use of the website
Certain interactive features (Q&A features in the “contact” area or in the “project submission” form) are available to users on the website. Minalogic reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content submitted via these features that would violate the laws and regulations in force in France and, in particular, data protection laws. If necessary, Minalogic also reserves the right to take action, including civil suits and criminal prosecution, against users, in particular for the communication of content that is racist, insulting, defamatory, or pornographic in nature, regardless of the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).

6. Hyperlinks and cookies

The website contains hyperlinks to other websites. These Hyperlinks were included in the website with Minalogic’s approval. However, Minalogic cannot verify the content of these websites and, therefore, holds no responsibility whatsoever for these websites or their content.

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Minalogic uses cookies on this site. With your consent, we will use them to measure and analyze the use of the site (analytical cookies).