This 11th edition of KIKK festival delves into the concept of empathy, connections and our relationship to others, to human and non-human beings (for non-humans see Biotopia exhibition at Le Pavillon that will be accessible during the festival). With a focus on storytelling and dialogue, the festival explores how empathy can not only transform our personal relationships, but also help to address societal challenges.
After more than two years of global pandemic and many moments of life shared online, it is important to look back, to analyze how these double lives between the physical and the virtual have come together. What happens when virtual spaces replace personal relationships and the physical world? Are they not a source of heightened loneliness, cutting off our senses from the essential connections of what defines us as human beings? How can new technologies bring us back to physical connections, a sense of belonging and connectedness with other beings and ourselves?
This year’s KIKK festival will go back to what makes us humans, we will explore physical connections, the concept of presence and make use of all our senses to dive into our emotions and enlighten what brings us together.
Du 27/10/2022 au 30/10/2022
Namur (Belgique)